7 Habits of Highly Ineffective People

Perhaps these habits are wrecking you.

7 min readOct 13, 2021
Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Tracking your habit is a vital part of life as it helps you know more about yourself.

If you constantly feel less motivated, get distracted easily or are addicted to something nastier, then it might be hard for you to succeed in life. But if somehow you identify the methods to motivate yourself, it can bring effective results. Therefore, it is crucial to recognize the things that are killing your motivations and creating bad habits.

When I was working for self-growth, I always noticed my strengths and ignored my weaknesses. And I was compelled to cultivate fear in the hidden corner of me. But then I focused on my habits that made me realize more of my strengths and weaknesses. I found out what are my ineffective habits and how can I improve them.

1. The habit of comparing yourself to others

Photo by Obie Fernandez on Unsplash

For the sake of finding the perfect one, people grow up comparing things.

People keep comparing until they find better, but they cannot find something that can satisfy their desire as things keep changing and better things keep coming.

Whether you’re comparing your life and stuff or yourself, it is still a bad habit.

If you keep comparing yourself to others, you will easily lose your motivation and get disappointed. It is not only a waste of time, but it will also discourage you from working hard toward your goals.

The habit of comparing is one of the highly ineffective habits of people that they should let go of immediately.

Instead of comparing yourself to other people, find out what makes them better and learn from them. Keep in touch with the people you admire and find out what they do to motivate themselves towards their work. Learning from others can increase your motivation.

You may also find out what their secret of success is. Or, you may realize that some of these people are not as great as they seem to be.

Surround yourself with the type of people you admire, watch their actions and analyze what method or techniques these people use to bring out their productive version.

2. The habit of multitasking

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Multitasking sounds like a great idea if you do two or more things simultaneously.

You are not only saving your time but also doubling your productivity. A lot of people make this mistake every day. You can’t concentration on two things at a time as it can create a mess.

Multitasking may decrease your number of work after finishing it. But it makes you slower than usual, and may also increase your stress.

It takes a lot of energy and time for the work to be done.

Multitasking is a bad habit because it distributes your focus which isn’t a good thing. You should focus on one work at a time so that the works will lead to good results. If you are working on dozens of initiatives at the same time, you will not achieve much.

You can also analyze your efficiency by comparing your working efficiency with multitasking and without multitasking. Humans are at their best when they concentrate on one thing at a time.

Multitasking is one of the habits of ineffective people. If you focus more on multitasking to reduce the quantity of your work, you might mess up the quality of work.

3. The habit of getting distracted easily

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Do you have a habit of watching television while working, or maybe you like to do homework? It may sound like more entertaining ways to do some boring tasks. But it can be harmful as it kills your motivation and productivity.

Besides, if you hear your friends talking about something funny in the background, you’ll end up paying more attention to them than the work you were supposed to do. It is because you have made a habit of being easily distracted by instant gratification.

You have cultivated your interest in entertainment and fun.

Your mind starts searching for ways to avoid working when you leave television or entertainment stuff. This stuff distracts you and forces your brain to try to focus on two or more things at once.

There are distractions that you either generate by own self or comes from other sources. The habit of accepting distractions can easily separate you from your productivity and creativity.

When you get distracted from gleaming things, you don’t bother but enjoy. So, leave these bad habits right away.

4. The habit of giving up

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

The habit of giving up easily cannot bring any result except for sadness, disappointment and frustration. You must have heard the story, ‘Three feet from the Gold’ where the man gave up three feet away from the gold and regret throughout his life.

A person gives up when they are about to reach the final destination of which everyone is guilty. One of the most common reasons why people fail is because they quit easily.

After all, they are overtaken by temporary defeats. They expect relatively quick progress, and when results do not come fast enough, they get discouraged.

A very simple instance of this phenomenon is the people who want to lose weight and then give up when they do not see any results in the first week.

We have all heard of success stories in which someone kept going, despite setbacks and not achieving immediate results. They are the only successful achievers who earn our admiration and respect. If you want to experience a similar kind of success story, just keep going.

5. The habit of being indecisive

Photo by Burst on Unsplash

It takes a lot of practice to be calm and be decisive because being confident in your decisions lead you to succeed in life. You earn this habit through experiences and learning because decision making is one of the toughest things in life.

A sound decision can put you towards success and bring you what you want.

The habit of being indecisive reaches its peak when a person tries to delay or postpone their work. Whenever a problem comes, they keep deferring to handle it later, or they just completely ignore it and cry on their misfortunate’s.

People generally find it very hard when it comes to decision-making, and they try to seek advice from others. It is because they don’t trust themselves, their abilities, and they are not committed to something which can make them decisive. The lack of commitment makes you indecisive, of course, will affect your performance.

It can take some practice to become more decisive. Once you learn to be confident in your decisions, you will feel more optimistic.

You should not give the right to anyone to make decisions for you because no one knows you much better than yourself. Besides that, don’t make impulse decisions, or lavishly it can cost you much.

6. The habit of perfectionism

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Every time looking for perfection is not good, you can easily lose hope, and you’ll face disappointment consecutively. For the sake of the perfect result, people ignore the importance of failure. Failure is part of every success story, and you should not be afraid of it.

Sometimes you have to compromise with some situations. If you insist on being perfect or getting perfect results all the time, you will only end up sabotaging yourself. It will, of course, negatively affect your motivation and create a bad habit.

A perfectionist person is one who always finds the right day or time to perform their work, even though the right time or day never comes. If you keep waiting for the right time to do your work, you will never complete it ever.

This habit can make you stressed, depressed and disappointed with yourself. You should keep working toward your goals without caring about the right time.

7. The habit of procrastination

Photo by Magnet.me on Unsplash

This habit is one of the most difficult ones for a person to overcome but not impossible because people often aren’t aware that they are procrastinating until it’s too late. As they were busy enjoying procrastination, they create a comfortable shell for themselves to embrace their fear.

This habit is constantly pushing you towards the comfort zone, which is very hard for a person to get off. This habit ruins you inside out and makes you a highly ineffective person.

To overcome this problem, organize and schedule your tasks, then get things done. It can be difficult at first, perhaps unpleasant too. If you follow them, you will finish your tasks more efficiently that will reduce your work pressure.

So you are aware of the habits that can destroy your motivation and makes you highly ineffective. Now it will be easier for you to maintain your motivation and prevent bad habits. You will also increase the prospect of achieving your goals.

